If you follow Canadian politics, you are probably rather perplexed at the moment. The historically centrist Liberal Party of Canada, under the “leadership” of the least popular Prime-Minister in Canadian history, swung so far to the left it made the leftie NDP entirely redundant, and has been clinging on to power for a number of years despite sharp drop in ratings (some polls in recent months have quoted percentage of Canadians that would vote Liberal at 16% or even as low as 11%). Canadians routinely refer to the party as ‘Liebertard’ – fusion of the word ‘Liberal’ with ‘Lies’ and ‘Retard’. Our lame-duck Prime-Minister has earned himself a few choice epithets of his own, “sock boy” being by far the nicest, and many of them not repeatable in polite company. “F*ck Trudeau” is a slogan seen on everything, from t-shirts to backyard flags to bumper stickers, while the country is sliding down the slippery slope of skyrocketing national debt, steep drop in investment, ballooning unaffordability of everything from homes to food, tanking Canadian dollar, crumbling economy and looming trade war with the mighty United States.
The speed with which Liberal MPs have started distancing themselves from Trudeau since his non-announcement that he “will, at some point, resign” is rather breathtaking. All of a sudden, Canada is not a post-national state anymore: they are tripping all over themselves and each other to “unapologetically show pride in being Canadian”, while rushing to publicly proclaim all sorts of forgotten virtues, “instead of whatever they spent a decade voting for”, to use a brilliant phrase from John Robson’s recent article.
Robson has summarized that flurry of activity as “scurrying over the side, not up the mast, citing love of country to duck a pounding” – very apt, in my opinion.
Even Chrystia Freeland, who arguably is even less popular than Justin Trudeau and whom Canadians commonly refer to as “Freeloader” and “The Troll”, has recently proclaimed that “we have heard very clearly from Canadians in provinces where there is a consumer-facing price on carbon that they don’t like it. That’s something that we have to listen to. Democracy means when people tell you something you have to listen. I will say our party hasn’t been good enough at that. That has to change and I am going to change that.” What? This arrogant individual, who in the past has clearly expressed the belief that she and her party know best – far better than the people themselves! - what’s good for Canadians, is now suddenly “listening”?? I find it hard to believe in sincerity of that statement and suspect that the fair lady is simply saying what she thinks Canadians want to hear while, true to the infamous Liberal tactic, not directly answering the question whether she would scrap the unpopular carbon tax if she became our next Prime-Minister.
On the surface, it appears that our democracy is winning: Liberals are finally heeding the Canadians’ opinion of their disastrous, Canada-destroying policies, and are changing their tune. Trudeau has promised to resign as soon as the new Liberal Party leader is appointed, the unpopular and costly carbon tax’s days are numbered and the election is looming. Even NDP’s Jagmeet Singh, who has propped up the Liberals’ undemocratic and unpopular rule for years, has declared that he will not support the Liberals in the next non-confidence vote, whenever that may be.
But what if it’s all smoke and mirrors?
What if we are being led to believe that we have the power, that we are winning, that we are finally being heard, while they do what they do best: plan and scheme to hoodwink us once again? The Liberal Party of Canada has always been good at one thing: political games – those same “gimmicks” of which Chrystia Freeland, in the classic “pot calling the kettle black” fashion, accused Trudeau when she resigned as Deputy Prime-Minister and Finance Minister back in December.
The timing of Mark Carney’s arrival on Canada’s political scene is highly suspect, as is his purported role as our “saviour”. Carney has been hovering in the background for years, advising the Liberal government on the very same Canada-destroying policies he is now coming to “save” us from. As recently as a few months ago, he vehemently denied any ambition to lead the Liberal Party of Canada into the next election.
What if this has been planned all along?
What if the puppet-masters waited until Trudeau’s popularity hit rock bottom so he could be made a scapegoat for all that ails our country? I suspect that they have already promised to compensate him for the inconvenience of disgrace. What will it be: a cushy board of directors post? A position of “consultant” with a prominent law firm? I guess we’ll soon find out. One thing is clear: Trudeau will not come out of this destitute, and the WEF globalists have already appointed our next emperor. Freeland, who is as entwined with the WEF agenda as Trudeau and Carney, is likely part of the plan. Her true role may well be to distract Canadians from the real culprit, her bid for Liberal Party leadership an attempt to say, “Look over there Canadians! She is the WEF appointee! Beware – do not support her, support the guy who will save the country from her!” The “good cop, bad cop” routine all over again – are we going to fall for it?
Even the Conservative Party of Canada is not above suspicion in all this. Rumors of Pierre Poilievre’s involvement with WEF have been flying around for years, as has the term “uniparty”, which refers to a situation where the puppeteers create an illusion that viable opposition exists to the current rule. People are led to believe that the salvation is near, that all they need to do is vote for the new “saviour” and everything will be ok, while the “saviour” is working behind the scenes with the very forces he is supposed to oppose. Another name for this modern-day phenomenon is “controlled opposition”.
Canadians would do well to remember that the best interests of Canada and Canadians are not even a consideration in this game.
Canadians would do well to remember that, just as Chrystia Freeland is a WEF man and wannabe reporter who has found a way to monetize her questionable talents by making a lot of noise and then selling to the highest bidder with the deepest pockets - the WEF billionaire club - Mark Carney too is a WEF man and shameless climate profiteer.
On October 25, 2021, the CPA Canada Pivot magazine published an interview with Carney. The notoriously woke CPA Canada was openly complimentary of Carney’s agenda, which encouraged him to speak openly about his plan “to champion the values required to bring about a reset [here’s that word again!] for business – one where strategies are grounded in purpose to address climate change and other challenges.” How was the almighty Carney going to bring about the said “reset”? By “getting capital [whose capital?] to businesses that are going to decarbonize or invest in decarbonization” and “setting up an independent body that will assess our progress.” My overall impression of his “amazing plan” is:
The sky is falling! Give me your money.
In a column published in The National Post in 2021,
Peter Foster did a great job cutting through the rhetoric to summarize Carney’s true ambitions.
Foster’s assessment of these ambitions is evident in his quote from H.L. Mencken: “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-front for the urge to rule”
Foster quotes Carney as saying, “At times, large positive gains could accrue to society if small sacrifices were made on behalf of shareholders”. A brilliant analysis of such talk of “sacrifice” was made by Ayn Rand in Fountainhead:
“Just listen to any prophet and if you hear him speak of sacrifice – run. Run faster than from a plague. It stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there’s a service, there’s someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master.”
Mark Carney - “expert at framing arguments that support an ever-expanding role for his class” - is in it for Mark Carney, not to mention the deeply unethical nature of his “activities”, which is best summarized in a quote from historian Tammy Nemeth: “It is perhaps ethically murky for someone who is actively working within the UN and advising two different governments on how to change national and global financial rules to be working for a company [Brookfield] that will be a direct beneficiary of those rule changes”
Why would we want THAT to rule Canada??
Foster correctly identifies the ideology underpinning Carney’s “plans” as MARXISM, SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM. According to Foster, Carney in his arrogance believes that “the largely spontaneous institutions of the market order should be rejected in favour of more deliberately planned arrangements” and that “society should be ruled by savants such as himself”. Foster reminds us that “it’s more important to remember where Marx’s misguided and immutable outrage led: to a disastrous economic and political model that generated poverty and mass murder on an unprecedented scale.” He cautions that we should be highly skeptical of any claims that “somehow this new socialism will not be socialism as usual.”
So what can we do?
How can we be stronger and smarter than the almighty, unprincipled and dirty political schemers with nothing else to do and seemingly unlimited resources they have stolen from us?
Seeing through their schemes would be a good start. Let’s not allow ourselves to be duped again!
The next question is, can we vote the schemers out of existence? And if not, what is our next step?
The way I see it, we have three options:
1. To try to change the current system where political games matter more than our voice, by exercising our democratic rights. This may no longer be possible, not just because of psyop-style voter manipulation but due to outright election fraud. Here’s one recent example: in an October 2024 provincial election in British Columbia, the ruling NDP eked out a majority after winning the riding of Surrey-Guildford by 22 votes – 21 of which were cast via mail-in vote by brain-fried residents of an addiction facility who have no recollection of voting! The facility is run by an NDP supporter. The Conservative Party of BC is calling for a police investigation.
Trump’s recent victory in the US was what his supporters had hoped for: too decisive to fudge. But even if such a decisive victory was possible in Canada, who would we vote in – controlled opposition that belongs to the same Uniparty?
2. Our second option is to build a parallel system from the ground up, and hope that the old system will die when it runs out of “paying customers”. To paraphrase from Ayn Rand’s iconic novel, I am talking about an entirely new kind of Atlas Shrugging by the people who have lost all faith and trust in the existing system. There is evidence that the process of building such a parallel society is already underway - but this is a whole different subject on which I will talk more in other posts.
3. Open revolt should not be ruled out, although I hope and pray that it doesn’t come to that, because of the enormous toll such events take in human suffering and economic destruction. Sadly, there may come a time when this will be the only option left to us.
My final observation is on the current developments south of the border. I am sure that Trump, with his ‘America First’, anti-globalist agenda, will not want a WEF-controlled enemy state at the border with the United States. What will he do? I suspect that his promised tariffs are only the beginning. Will he attempt to buy or annex parts of Canada outright? He is already talking directly to oil-rich Alberta’s Danielle Smith over the incompetent head of idiot Trudeau. Will he force Canada’s economic surrender? Trump’s USA will certainly have the power to do that.
We live in interesting times indeed.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned!